La physique des quarks top à la frontière de l'énergie - Alexandra-Nedaa Asbah (CERN)

jeudi 13 mars 2025, 11:00 à 12:00
En personne
Complexe des sciences, 1375, avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux , a3351
Montréal (QC)  H2V 0B3


Top-quark Physics at the Energy Frontier: From Precision Measurements to New Physics Searches with the Most Advanced Top-quark Factory

The top quark, the heaviest known elementary particle, plays a crucial role in testing the Standard Model and exploring potential new physics. This talk presents the latest results from Run 2 of the ATLAS experiment at 13 TeV, including the observation of four-top-quark production and advancements in the modeling of ttˉW processes. These measurements provide key insights into top-quark interactions and set the stage for future studies.With the increased dataset from Run 3 and the unprecedented luminosities of the HL-LHC, top-quark physics will enter a new era, enabling the observation of even rarer processes and pushing the limits of precision. These data will be leveraged to probe effective field theory interpretations, search for beyond-the-Standard-Model scenarios, and explore possible deviations from theoretical predictions. Additionally, the detector upgrades necessary to cope with the challenges of the HL-LHC will be discussed, ensuring the continued success of top-quark studies at the energy frontier.

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