Prix: Entrée libre
Salle 1035
5155, chemin de la rampe
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 2B2

Titre : Ligand-Based Reactivity of Metal Dithiolenes: Still Good for Surprises.

La conférence sera prononcée par le professeur Ulrich Fekl du département des sciences chimiques et physique de l'University of Toronto at Mississauga. Elle sera donnée en anglais.

Résumé : A promising strategy for the formation of carbon-heteroatom bonds is the addition of organic substrates to metal-bonded ligands. Such reactivity can be very pronounced at metal dithiolene complexes, in particular if the reactivity of the ligand is properly tuned by the choice of a 'spectator metal'. We have studied a variety of dithiolene complexes, using nickel, molybdenum and platinum. Such systems bind alkenes and/or 1,3-dienes at the sulfur centers. We have produced chiral ligands by this method and have also developed a catalytic cycle for dihydrobenzodithiin production by means of activation of bis-o-phenylene tetrasulfide. Furthermore, ligand-based chemistry leads to a new functional model for the enzyme DMSO reductase.

Information supplémentaire

Conférence du Professeur Ulrich Fekl (Toronto)
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