1375 Avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux

Abstract: Understanding the interplay between galaxy evolution, star formation, and black hole activity from the perspective of structure formation remains one of the most fascinating challenges in modern astrophysics. On the largest scales, pairs of galaxy clusters colliding drive the growth of structure. Cluster mergers are the most energetic events since the Big Bang, which release 10^64 ergs over 1-2 billion years and produce dramatic, long-lasting effects. By bringing together panchromatic observations, I will discuss how the merger of galaxy clusters can trigger star formation and black hole activity in cluster galaxies, shape the evolution of cluster galaxies, and reverse typical environmental trends observed in relaxed clusters at low redshift. With approximately half the galaxy clusters in the local Universe undergoing mergers, this recent work has revealed gaps in our understanding of the growth of structure in the Universe and showed the potential for discovery in this understudied field. I will draw parallels between the fundamental drivers of galaxy and black hole evolution in low-redshift clusters and the processes relevant in the context of proto-clusters and high-redshift clusters, where mergers and associated non-thermal phenomena were far more common than in the nearby Universe. I will conclude by discussing how the treasure trove of cluster samples at increasingly large redshifts delivered by a new generation of instruments will help guide discoveries in the field of gas, galaxy, and black hole evolution at the epoch when structures first formed.

 Bio:  Andra Stroe is an Associate Astronomer at STScI. Her main scientific interests revolve around understanding the physical processes that regulate the interplay between large-scale structure, galaxy formation, and black hole evolution. She combines panchromatic observational data and modeling of galaxy clusters to piece together the star formation, black hole feeding and feedback, gas inflow and outflow, and structure formation puzzle. Dr. Stroe is also interested in the evolution of galaxies and AGN from the perspective of cosmic evolution, with a window toward high redshift clusters and protoclusters. Dr. Stroe is a member of the Roman Space Telescope branch, supporting the development of the WFI instrument. Before taking up her current role at STScI, Dr. Stroe held the Clay Fellowship at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian from 2018 to 2024 and was an ESO Fellow at the European Southern Observatory Headquarters from 2015 to 2018.

Shocking tales of structure formation: Evolving galaxies and black holes in evolving environments - Andra Stroe (Harvard)