
Information et billets

Prix: Gratuit
3101, chemin de la Tour

* Conférence entièrement donnée en anglais et excusivement en ligne.

This workshop is the final one in a 5-part ACT Project series entitled “AI, Large Language Models and Justice: Considerations for Legal Practitioners, Judges, Law Schools, and Public Legal Educators”.   This fifth session will explore the ways in which AI and LLMs can and are being used to facilitate improved access to justice through provision of legal information and education.  In it, University of Montreal PhD student Jinzhe Tan will join XXXX from Community Legal Education Ontario and YYYY from Educaloi in a discussion moderated by Professor Jane Bailey of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (Common Law Section).  Mr Tan’s research focuses on AI and law, including a co-authored publication “ChatGPT as an Artificial Lawyer” and involvement in the Cyberjustice Laboratory team that created JusticeBot, an AI tool to simplify public access to legal information.  CLEO and Educaloi are leading public legal information and knowledge providers in Ontario and Québec.  Topics to be discussed will include defining the line between legal information and legal advice, and best practices for use of AI to improve access to justice by increasing the public accessibility of legal information.

Conférencier : Tan Jinzhe

AI and Public Legal Information & Education: A Panel Discussion