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Salle C-2059
3150, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1N8

Conférence de Wang Zheng, chercheure à l'Institute for Research on Women and Gender à l'Université du Michigan.

As a way to illustrate constant contentions over gender equality, this talk examines three cohorts of Chinese feminists in the context of China’s drastic change from state socialism to state capitalism. The three cohorts: (1) state feminists of the socialist period, (2) NGO feminists around the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW), and (3) young feminist activists ascending onto the public stage in recent years. Special attention is paid to distinct strategies adopted by each cohort for their diverse agendas, conditioned by specific political and social contexts. The relationship between feminists and the state today is highlighted to address the concern of the global audience who remember the detention of the Feminist Five in 2015. The talk discusses challenges confronting the contemporary Chinese feminists and explores global implications of local struggles for social justice and equality.

Kimberly Manning is Associate Professor of Political Science and Principal of the Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University. Specializing in Chinese politics, women and politics, and the rights of transgender children and youth, she analyzes family ties and politics through the lens of feminist theory.


Feminist Struggles in a Changing China
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