Prix: Entrée libre
Local C-2059
3150, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1N8

Guest speaker : Dr. Rutger Leukfeldt

Dr. Rutger Leukfeldt is senior researcher cybercrime and coordinator of the Cybercrime Cluster at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) and director of the Cybersecurity & SMEs Research Group of the Hague University of Applied Sciences.


Cybercrime is on the rise. By definition, cybercrime takes place in the online world. However, people committing cybercrimes are real human beings in an offline environment, often cooperating in networks. Surprisingly little is known about the interplay between the offline and online worlds and the processes leading to the involvement of individuals in cybercriminal networks.

This presentation is about the offline and online social ties of members of cybercriminal networks. In order to gain insight into these ties, 40 cybercriminal networks from the Netherlands, Germany, UK and US were analysed. Social ties still play an important role in the origin and growth of the majority of networks. Forums and online ties, however, also play a significant role in a number of networks, for example, to find specific enablers. Criminals with access to forums, are able to increase criminal capabilities of their network relatively quickly.


Conférence présentée par le Centre international de criminologie comparée

Cybercrime and social ties
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