Séminaire de l'IRSPUM
Titre du séminaire :
What is Global Health?
Since 1990 the term “Global Health” has replaced “International Health” as the description of choice for a certain kind of health activity. Simultaneously, the institutions and people identified with this term have multiplied exponentially. There have been relatively few attempts to explain these changes in any comprehensive way. Those that have tried usually emphasize a single factor like crisis at the World Health Organization or the HIV/Aids epidemic. But the transformation of this complex and heterogeneous domain into a growth enterprise has multiple causes that require elaboration. In this talk I try to provide historical context, explanations for the recent interest in and rapid growth of this domain, and a description of some of the novel features that it has added to international health. Finally, I will attempt to describe what is known about its current structure along various axes – financial, institutional, and intellectual.
Conférencier :
George Weisz
Is the Cotton-Hannah Chair of the History of Medicine at McGill University. His most recent books are Chronic Disease in the Twentieth Century: A History (2014) and Divide and Conquer: A Comparative History of Medical Specialization, 1830-1950 (2006). He has also written books about the creation of French universities during the Third Republic and the history of the Paris Academy of Medicine in the 19th century and edited five volume and numerous articles on such topics as quantification in medicine, biomedical holism, mineral waters, gynecological practices, clinical practice guidelines and, most recently, global health
Animation :
Annette Leibing
Chercheuse, IRSPUM, et professeure titulaire, Faculté des sciences infirmières, Université de Montréa