Séminaire de l'IRSPUM
Titre du séminaire :
Local health inequalities in an age of austerity
This seminar reports on ‘in progress research’ which examines the effects of austerity and welfare reform on health inequalities in Stockton on Tees- a deindustrialised town in the north-east of England. Stockton on Tees has the highest geographical inequalities in health of any English town or city. The life expectancy gap for men stands at 17 years between the most and least disadvantaged neighbourhoods and the gap for women is 12 years. The study is a five-year project which started in 2013. It is funded by the Leverhulme research trust. It is led by Clare Bambra and has four PhD students and two postdoctoral researchers. It uses mixed methods - qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic, and archival - to examine the effects of austerity measures on the health gap in Stockton on Tees in the north-east of England. Deindustrialised towns like Stockton on Tees have experienced considerable cuts in local service provision and local income via welfare benefit reductions. Combining both qualitative and quantitative data the seminar will explore the nature of the health gap, the causes of it and the emerging effects of austerity
Conférencière :
Clare Bambra
Is Professor of Public Health at the Institute for Health and Society, Newcastle University Medical School. Her research examines the political, social, and economic determinants of health; and how public policies and interventions can reduce health inequalities. She has published extensively in these areas including her recent book Health Divides: where you live can kill you. Her research is highly interdisciplinary, applying theories and methods between the social sciences, public health and epidemiology. She holds a Leverhulme Research Leadership Award which examines Local Health Inequalities in an Age of Austerity. She can be followed on Twitter @ProfBambra
Animation :
Louise Potvin
Chercheuse, IRSPUM, et professeure titulaire, Département de médecine sociale et préventive, ESPUM