Prix: Entrée libre
Local C-2059
3150, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1N8

Guest speaker: Dr. Robert Hoge

Dr. Robert D. Hoge is Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Distinguished Research Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa. His teaching, research, and consulting activities are in the areas of child and adolescent psychology, forensic psychology, and psychological assessment.


The presentation will focus on research and policy issues relating to the treatment of youth who come into conflict with the law. It begins with an overview of the goals of a juvenile justice system, followed by a discussion of research-based principles of best practice in the treatment of youthful offenders. An overview of Canadian laws governing youth crime is presented, with a focus on the current law, the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Features of this Act will be discussed, including its relevance for the judicial processing of youth accused of a crime and the various sanctioning principles provided. That Act will be evaluated with reference to the research-based principles of best practice.


Conférence présentée par le Centre international de criminologie comparée

Advances in the Treatment of the Juvenile Offender
Consulté 1047 fois