2900, chemin de la Tour
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1J6

Would an Anti-apple Fall Up ?

Scott Menary (York)

The strength and sign of the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter (so-called 'antigravity') is still an open experimental question. I will discuss some arguments and measurements which shed light on the issue. Finally, I will describe planned antigravity experiments involving antihydrogen with an emphasis on the ALPHA experiment at CERN.

Scott Menary (Ph.D., Toronto) is an experimental particle physicist. He has been involved in experiments performed at the e^+e^- colliders CESR at Cornell and LEP at CERN as well as the ep collider HERA at the DESY Laboratory in Hamburg. He worked on the design of the NuMI neutrino beam facility at Fermilab outside Chicago and he was one of the original members of the BTeV p-pbar collider experiment at Fermilab. Presently he concentrates his efforts on the ALPHA antihydrogen trapping experiment done at the Antiproton Decelerator facility at CERN.

Veuillez prendre note que cette conférence s'inscrit dans le cadre de la tournée des conférenciers 2016 de l'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes (ACP).

Cette conférence s'adresse à tous, y compris les professeurs, les chercheurs et les étudiants des trois cycles. Le café est servi à partir de 11h30.

Would an Anti-apple Fall Up ? Scott Menary (York)
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