Prix: Entrée libre
Salle Z-220
2900, chemin de la Tour
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1J6

Titre : Characterization and Quantification of Lantibiotics using Capillary Electrophoresis.
Endroit : Pavillon Claire-McNicoll, salle Z-220 à 14 h
Hôte : Professeure Karen Waldron

La conférence sera prononcée (en anglais) par le professeur Kingsley Donkor, du Département de chimie de  la Thompson Rivers University.

Résumé : Lantibiotics are antimicrobial peptides produced by Gram positive bacteria and have a wide range of industrial, biomedical and food applications. The importance of these peptides makes it necessary for an analytical method to efficiently analyze and quantify them in various matrices. Currently, bioassay and immunoassay are the methods of choice. These techniques are sensitive however they involve tedious sample preparation and may not be totally reliable due to cross-reactions with compounds structurally related to lantibiotics. Thus, capillary electrophoretic methods were developed to characterize lantibiotics. The first part of the talk involves the development of a capillary electrophoresis (CE) method for the separation and quantification of four closely-related lantibiotics - nisin, gallidermin, cinnamycin and duramycin in real samples such as fermentation broth, bovine colostrum, pre-drop beer and a variety of food samples. The second part of the talk focuses on the use of affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) for the study of interaction between lantibiotics and beta-lactoglobulin with potential significance of allergic effects in the dairy industry.

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Conférence du Professeur Kingsley Donkor (Thompson Rivers)
Consulté 1091 fois