Prix: Entrée libre
Salle M-415
2900, chemin de la Tour
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1J6

Titre : Gold-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions.
Endroit : Pavillon Roger-Gaudry, salle M-415 à 11 h
Hôte : André Charette

La conférence sera prononcée en anglais par le professeur Antonio Echavarren de l'Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia en Espagne. Elle est commanditée par le Centre en chimie verte et catalyse (CCVC)

Résumé : Cationic gold(I) complexes are the most active and selective catalysts for the activation of alkynes. Our group have developed new cascade reactions based on the activation of alkynes for the construction of complex cyclic molecules such as orientalol F, englerin A, and schisanwilsonene. Recent work on the development of stereoselective strategies for the synthesis of sesquiterpenoids and other natural products by using new gold(I)-catalyzed cascade processes as well as novel methods for the construction of cyclic compounds via gold(I) carbenes will be presented.

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Conférence CCVC avec le Professeur Antonio Echavarren (ICIQ)
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