Prix: Entrée libre
3450, rue McTavish
Montréal (Québec) Canada  H3A 0E5

Vous êtes invité à venir entendre deux éminents chercheurs sur le thème des déterminants sociaux en santé.

Is there an ethical imperative to address the social determinants of health ?

Un débat public avec : 
Ted Schrecker, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, University of Ottawa

Daniel Weinstock, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Centre de recherche en éthique de l’Université de Montréal.

Question :
Be it Resolved : The Canadian government should enact a special tax on the top 10% of earners, which will finance a new ’Social Determinants of Health’ fund. Proceeds from this tax will be used exclusively for programs whose goal is to ensure that all Canadians have education, income, and housing necessary to have an adequate level of health and longevity. The fund will be administered by a panel of experts in the social determinants of health.

Débat public sur les déterminants sociaux en santé
Consulté 738 fois