Salle 1374
1420, boulevard Mont-Royal
Montréal (QC) Canada  H2V 4P3

Conférence donnée par Michael T. Wright.


After studying clinical social work at Boston University and public health at Harvard University, Michael T. Wright obtained his Ph.D. in psychology from the Freie Universität Berlin, with a thesis on the complexity of HIV/AIDS prevention. He is currently a Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Center in Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozial forschung [WZB]) where he coordinates two research fields (participatory health research and HIV/AIDS). He is also Professor for Research Methods at the Institute for Social Health, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin.


Participatory approaches in health research have gained increasing attention internationally, particularly in the context of addressing the social determinants of health in disadvantaged communities. The pragmatic, action‐oriented approach of PHR leaves, however, many scientific questions unanswered. For exampl: What kinds of knowledge are unique to this approach (epistemology) and what is the view of health and society underlying it (ontology). In this talk these questions will be explored, including a presentation of the work of the ICPHR which has been set up to define the scientific basis for participatory approaches to health research.

The International Collaboration on Participatory Health Research : Defining the Science of PHR
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