Prix: Gratuit/Free
Salle 3038
2375, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (QC) canada  H3T 1A8

Diana Dimitrova, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, will give a lecture in english on / Diana Dimitrova, professeure adjointe à la FTSR de l'Université de Montréal, donnera une conférence en anglais intitulée « The Radhasoami Tradition in Transnational Space ». 

This presentation focuses on South Asian-Americans in the Diaspora and deals with the Radhasoami movement in transnational space, specifically in the United States. In the following, I consider several aspects of the globalization of the Radhasoami movement in North America and its complex links with the homeland in South Asia. Some of the questions that I seek to answer are: How do the diasporic conditions transnationalize? Is anything lost or gained in this cultural mobility? Does the new ritual space and practice provide an alternate 'modernity' to that shaped by the West? How does this contribute to the building of new structures and spaces of thinking, being and believing? Does the “otherness” of the Radhasoami community lead to isolation and marginalization or does it contribute to the integration in the new home country (while maintaining all links to the home in India?

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The Radhasoami Tradition in Transnational Space
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