Prix: Entrée libre
Salle G-615
2900, chemin de la Tour
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1J6

Titre : Teaching Enantioselectivity to C-H Bond Functionalizations.

Cette conférence sera prononcée en anglais par le professeur Nicolai Cramer du laboratoire de catalyse et synthèse asymétriques au sein de l'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Suisse). Ce dernier sera à Montréal dans le cadre d'une tournée de conférences en Amérique du Nord.

Résumé : Reactions involving the activation and subsequent functionalization of relatively inert C‑H bonds have considerable synthetic potential because of their economic and ecological benefits. Significant progress was made in addressing reactivity and selectivity (mainly chemo- and regio-) issues, as well as refining mechanistic understanding of the different pathways. Despite these great advances, asymmetric transformations have so far little precedence.Harsh reaction conditions, requirement of uncommon, yet to find ligand systems have hampered developments in this area. The design and development of such new ligands is vital to the success these transformations as the ligand is not only linked to yield and enantioselectivity, but also impact the reaction outcome itself. The presentation will focus on our recent developments of activating enantiotopic C(sp2)‑H and C(sp3)‑H bonds as well as using C‑H activations as entry point for enantioselective downstream reactions.

Information supplémentaire

Conférence du Professeur Nicolai Cramer (EPFL)
Consulté 4351 fois