Jorge Raúl Wiesse Rebagliati, professor, jefe del Departamento Académico de Humanidades, Universidad del Pacífico, Perú
The conference will be given in Spanish / la conférence sera donnée en espagnol.
Probably the greatest difficulty one meets on translating Fernando Pessoa’s English sonnets into Spanish is not only –as obvious as this would be- translating proteic Pessoa, but translating Shakespeare through Pessoa. As the Times Literary Supplement reviewer observed at the time (September, 1918), “The sonnets […] will interest many by reason of their ultra-Shakespearean Shakespeareanisms […]”.
In being faithful to this complexity, Jorge Wiesse’s version has not incurred into lexical archaism. Wiesse has preferred to maintain the “Tudor tricks of repetition, involution and antithesis” [TLS] as signs of the poems’ origins. He has also chosen clarity in imagery and semantics over the original’s conceptual density. In the whole, the result expresses the world of a Shakespearean Pessoa viewed through the lenses of a contemporary Latin American writer.
Dans le cadre de l'évènement « Littératures en traduction », 5 et 9 octobre 2012.
En collaboration avec le Département de littératures et de langues modernes, le Département de littérature comparée et de Centre de ressources de l'espagnol, Université de Montréal.