3150, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1N8

Jorge Raúl Wiesse Rebagliati, professor, jefe del Departamento Académico de Humanidades, Universidad del Pacífico, Perú

The conference will be given in Spanish / la conférence sera donnée en espagnol. 

Probably the greatest difficulty one meets on translating Fernando Pessoa’s English sonnets into Spanish is not only –as obvious as this would be- translating proteic Pessoa, but translating Shakespeare through Pessoa. As the Times Literary Supplement reviewer observed at the time (September, 1918), “The sonnets […] will interest many by reason of their ultra-Shakespearean Shakespeareanisms […]”.
In being faithful to this complexity, Jorge Wiesse’s version has not incurred into lexical archaism. Wiesse has preferred to maintain the “Tudor tricks of repetition, involution and antithesis” [TLS] as signs of the poems’ origins. He has also chosen clarity in imagery and semantics over the original’s conceptual density. In the whole, the result expresses the world of a Shakespearean Pessoa viewed through the lenses of a contemporary Latin American writer.

Dans le cadre de l'évènement « Littératures en traduction », 5 et 9 octobre 2012.

En collaboration avec le Département de littératures et de langues modernes, le Département de littérature comparée et de Centre de ressources de l'espagnol, Université de Montréal. 

La conférence est retransmise sur Internet.

J. R. Wiesse Rebagliati, Universidad del Pacífico - Los sonetos ingleses de Fernando Pessoa: comentarios a una traduccíon
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