Prix: Entrée libre
Salle 1035
5155, chemin de la rampe
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 2B2

Titre : Cyanoaurate-Based Coordination Polymers as Advanced Functional Materials.

La conférence sera prononcée par le professeur Daniel Leznoff du Département de chimie de la Simon Fraser University. Elle sera donnée en anglais. 

Résumé : The Leznoff group has been incorporating paramagnetic and diamagnetic metal centres and non-octahedral cyanometallates into polymers, targeting magnetic, vapochromic, birefringent, luminescent, high dielectric, negative- thermal expansion and other properties. In particular, neglected linear d10 [M(CN)2]- building blocks (M=Au,Ag) have been targeted to take advantage of attractive metallophilic interactions to increase structural dimensionality. Several property-based vignettes from this work will be presented in this lecture. For example, simple 'mineral-like' cyanoaurate(I)-based polymers of the form M[Au(CN)2]2(H2O)x with unusual magnetic and vapochromic properties (M=Cu-Mn) will be profiled. The use of luminescent Zn[Au(CN)2]2 as an ammonia sensor and methods to prepare thin-films of this insoluble material will be discussed.  As a comparison with the linear [Au(CN)2]- unit, coordination polymers with the square-planar d8 [Au(CN)4]- and [Au(CN)2X2]- (X= halides) building blocks and their rare reductive elimination properties will also be described.

Information supplémentaire

Conférence du Professeur Daniel Leznoff (Simon Fraser)
Consulté 4688 fois