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Salle 3165-02
7101, avenue du Parc
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3N 1X9

Séminaire scientifique organisé par l'Institut de recherche en santé publique de l'Université de Montréal – IRSPUM

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Résumé :
Patients with chronic conditions have complex and extensive health and social care needs that are not well served by top down models of care.

With the number of chronic patients increasing, the quality of their care largely depends on patient empowerment through self-management education, aimed at increasing the patients’ capacity to manage their own disease and care process.

However, while self-management education programs exist for most chronic conditions, their effectiveness varies widely. Factors that impact on the effectiveness of self-management education programs include the program characteristics and format, the patient characteristics including multimorbidity and health literacy, implementation fidelity and adaptation, and organisational characteristics.

The presentation will draw on the results of the EU-funded DIABETES LITERACY study and related studies to discuss the critical success factors of chronic disease self-management education and offers suggestions for improvement. It will be argued that in planning for the future, healthcare policies and models of care are required that cater for the complex needs of patients and deliver coordinated care that is patient-centred, empower patients to self-manage, and focus on multidisciplinary teamwork and shared decision-making.

Conférencier :
Stephan Van den Broucke
is Professor of Public Health Psychology at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

His research interest include health promotion planning and evaluation, health behaviour change, public health capacity building, and health literacy.

Professor Van den Broucke has participated in several large scale international projects, including the European Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU), Diabetes Literacy, and IC-Health, and published widely.
He is an Executive Board Member of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (UHPE), Advisory Board member of the Asian Health Literacy Association, President of the Well Done Health Literacy Award, and associate editor of Health Promotion International.

Animation :
Louise Potvin,
directrice de l'Institut de recherche en santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (IRSPUM)

Beyond information-giving : factors contributing to the effectiveness of chronic disease self-management education
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