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7101, avenue du Parc
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3N 1X9

Séminaire de l'Institut de recherche en santé publique de l'Université de Montréal – IRSPUM

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Titre complet du séminaire :
Event analytics to explore temporal patterns in patient data
Visualization of temporal patterns contributes to a variety of tasks, from reviewing individual patient records to helping researchers assess data quality, find patients of interest, review temporal patterns and anomalies or understand differences between cohorts. We will review some of visualization techniques developed at the University of Maryland focusing on the analysis of sequences of events found in health data, with live demonstrations and case studies.

Conférencière :
Catherine Plaisant
Catherine Plaisant is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and Associate Director of Research of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab. Catherine Plaisant has over 200 published papers, on subjects as diverse as information visualization, medical informatics, universal access, decision making, digital humanities or technology for families. In 2015 she was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy. With long term collaborator Ben Shneiderman she co-authored the 4th, 5th and 6th Editions of Designing the User Interface, one of the major books on Human-Computer Interaction.

Animation :
Réjean Hébert
Doyen, École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (ESPUM), chercheur régulier, IRSPUM

Event analytics to explore temporal patterns in patient data
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