Débute à 
Prix: Gratuit
90, avenue Vincent-d'Indy
Montréal (QC) Canada H2V 2S9

Conférences et ateliers du cerebrum

Conférence présentée par: Samuel Mehr, University of Auckland

L’évènement sera suivi d’une période de discussion et des rafraichissements seront servis.

L'événement sera diffusé simultanément en visioconférence pour ceux qui ne pourront pas y assister en personne.

Lien Zoom

ID de réunion : 834 1384 4857

Code secret : Cerebrum

Abstract: In 1986, the sociologist Lee Sproull suggested that behavioural science researchers consider 'a new tool for data collection: electronic mail'. This seems quaint, forty years later, when doing science on the Internet is commonplace. In this talk, I will show how gamification and citizen-science approaches can make research fun and motivating for participants, yielding rich, naturalistic data sampled from diverse populations at massive scales. I will draw on citizen-science studies of auditory perception run at https://themusiclab.org to present the ideas behind gamification, techniques to carry it out, and thoughts on how it has changed my approach to science.

How games can make behavioural science better