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C’est le 28 septembre prochain que l’IRCM recevra Peter Doherty dans le cadre des conférences Marie & Willie Chrétien. Celui qui est également récipiendaire d’un prix Nobel en médecine donnera une conférence en anglais intitulée: Living with COVID-19 (Vivre avec la COVID-19)

Gratuit et ouvert à tous!
Mardi 28 septembre 2021, à compter de 19 h

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À propos de la conférence
'Though we did not at first realize the scope of the problem, SARS-CoV- is unlike any virus we’ve had to deal with. At first, though we were saying ‘it’s not the influenza’, the medical and public health approach was more-or-less grounded in the idea that ‘this is a bad ’flu. The fact that, unlike influenza in humans, this virus is also disseminated around the body in the blood, took a while to emerge, as did the reality that a major problem in COVID-19 is the formation of large and small clots that can cause heart attacks, strokes and block gaseous exchange in the lung. The fact that, within a year, we had outstanding vaccines to limit the toll of this disease is a major tribute to modern science. But it’s increasingly clear that the way this virus is changing to become more infectious is beyond our prior experience. We’ll focus on the nature of the disease what’s happening now and where this may be going. We are living with a fluid situation, and there are no certainties.'
Peter C Doherty University of Melbourne

À propos de Peter Doherty
A graduate of the University of Queensland School of Veterinary Science, Peter Doherty shared the 1996 Nobel Medicine Prize for his immunology research and was the 1997 Australian of the Year. Since then, he has gone in to bat for evidence-based reality, relating to areas as diverse as childhood vaccination, global hunger and anthropogenic climate change.  So far, he has published 6 “lay” books on science with the latest, “The Incidental Tourist”.

Peter Doherty, lauréat prix Nobel de médecine 1996 - Vivre avec la COVID-19