Prix: Gratuit
Salle E-1910
4545, chemin Queen Mary
Montréal (Québec) Canada  H3W1W4

Conférence du Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM)

Shannon Hebblethwaite, PhD Director, engAGE Centre for Research on Aging Associate Professor, Department of Applied Human Sciences Concordia University

Older people are increasingly engaged with digital technology, yet mainstream mass media often renders older adults invisible. Drawing on interviews and focus groups with grandmothers, I explore the transformation of the experiences of aging and intergenerational relationships with the proliferation of new forms of mediated communications in networked societies. Discussion will focus on how older adults are agentic in their choices around digital media use. Specifically, I will address how digital technology is used to navigate social norms related to ambivalence, generativity, and the norm of non-interference in family relationships.

Confirmez votre présence : conferences@criugm.qc.ca

Conférence présentée en anglais

Digital Technology and Aging: Negotiating Agency and Familial Norms