Cette conférence fait partie du cycle de midi-conférences Pleins feux sur l'Asie du Sud-Est.
Jess Agustin, chargé de programmes – Philippines, Développement et Paix
David Webster, professeur agrégé, Histoire, Bishop's University.
En 2015, le Timor-Leste (Timor oriental), la commission de vérité timoraise a publié son rapport, intitulé Chega! (Assez!). Quelles leçons peut-on tirer de ce rapport et de la lutte timoraise de libération?
David Webster is associate professor of History at Bishop's University. He serves as a member of the international advisory council of Centro Nacional Chega, the Timorese centre for truth and reconciliation. He is author of Fire and the Full Moon: Canada and Indonesia in a Decolonizing World, and edited the collection Flowers in the Wall.
Jess Agustin is currently working Development and Peace – Caritas Canada which is the official agency of the Canadian Catholic Church with a mission to fight poverty in the countries of the Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America, and to promote greater international solidarity and justice. He helped start the Asia Program in Development and Peace. Since 2013, he is responsible for both the humanitarian and development program of Development and Peace in the Philippines following the Super Typhoon Haiyan.